Baby Walker | 嬰兒護理及照顧 | 嬰兒車
展位編號: 5F-A01 | 手推車及座椅世界 | 粵貿全球

This baby walker is an innovative solution for little ones learning to walk, suitable for children between 6 to 18 months. This 2-in-1 device doubles as a pushable walker, providing versatility as the child grows.

  • Suitable for children aged 6-18 months.
  • 2-in-1 design, functioning as both a standard walker and a pushable walker.
  • Educational items such as music, lights, and rhythm to promote babies’ development.
  • Includes a padded seat, which is removable for easy washing.
  • Foldable design for convenient storage and travel.
  • The rear bar of the base could be detached.
  • Three adjustable heights.
  • Six crystal rolling wheels